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Alycia Pirmohamed

Alycia Pirmohamed is a Canadian-born poet based in Scotland. She is the author of 'Another Way to Split Water' (Polygon), which was an autumn Poetry Book Society recommendation, and the pamphlets 'Hinge' and 'Faces that Fled the Wind', and the collaborative essay 'Second Memory', which was co-authored with Pratyusha. She is the co-founder of the Scottish BPOC Writers Network, a co-organiser of the Ledbury Poetry Critics Program, and she currently teaches on the MSt. Creative Writing at the University of Cambridge. Alycia has held post-doctoral positions at IASH, University Edinburgh and at the University of Liverpool, and she received an MFA from the University of Oregon and a PhD from the University of Edinburgh. She is the recipient of several awards, including the 2019 CBC Poetry Prize and the 2020 Edwin Morgan Poetry Award.